Wednesday 7 December 2011

Its been so long since my last post. My laptop charger broke a week ago. Its an old laptop and the charger was hard to find. Fear not, I will be getting a new one soon.

So what goes on in the world of Bastian... Shun went home a few days after Thanksgiving. He will be back next week. I'm rushing around, trying to find gifts for my non-Asian friends. My currant girlfriend, Mina, a friend of Richard's sister's, knit me a pair of black gloves. They're pretty good for her. She can't knit worth a damn. Don't tell her that I said that thought. She'd cook me alive. Meat pies, anyone?

Allow me to exercise my limited Romanian.
Are cineva ca Sah mai mult decât cea pentru sport normal?
Does anyone else like Chess more than regular sports? I do. I like Chess very much. I started playing nearly six years ago because I wanted to be cool like Lelouch from Code Geass. Obviously I am not going around controlling people with my powerful eyes. But, damn, how fucking cool would that be?

Audience: Foarte cool, într-adevăr, Bastian!

Did I mention that I know French? No? Well, now you know.

I was thinking of going back to Japan for the break and visiting all of my old friends. I'd be glomped to death if I did go. They are a wild group of people. Of course, everyone I know here would insist on coming. So maybe its not the best idea.

There's a Latin and AP English test tomorrow. DX Its time I study for them.

Sayonara and Goodnight

Bastian Blue Sky