Wednesday 23 November 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

My buddy who just went off to College this year, Shun, came back for the break. He used to live three houses down from where I am. It was extremely cold so the obvious thing to do was gather a bunch of friends and go to the tennis court. One of the guys brought along his step sister, a girl with a name that wasn't pronounceable. It reminded me of Nyan Cat. She was shy. And when I say shy, I mean amazingly shy. She could barely tell us her name, which doesn't matter because I forgot it anyways. We, me and her, played a game in which I won fifty to love. She wasn't bad. I was just too good for her. Shun won the rest of the games with me in second place.

After that, we got piled into Shun's car and drove down to the nearest cafe' for some coffee. I don't remember the name but the Chai they had was amazing. Everyone laughed at me because I didn't drink coffee like big boys. Everyone happens to be sitting in my room, terrorizing my cat, Shamwow. At one point I snapped at the quite girl, who I called Pop Tart, because she kept asking Richard if she could take the bus home. It was damn annoying.

When we were done there, we dropped off everyone who needed to leave and, all of us except for Ryan and Michael, went to play MW3 at at my house. Where we are now.

So what am I thankful for?

The fact that Shamwow had long claws. The better to scratch your eyes out, my pretty.

Bastian Blue Sky

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